Create Your Holiday
The Este Carnival
Carnival in the Ferrara of the Renaissence
Friday 28 february, saturday 1 and sunday 2 march 2025
Historical re-enactment of the Este Renaissance Carnival.
This year's theme will be "The Humanist, the Poet and the Duchess. Bembo and Ferrara 500 years later". The unquestioned protagonist of this journey through history is Pietro Bembo.
The city of Ferrara will shake off its winter torpor. On the occasion of the Este Carnival, we will be able to meet courtesans, ladies, princes, storytellers and soldiers in the streets of the historic centre, in the squares, in the Renaissance palaces and within the walls of the mighty Castle. The rich variety of entertainment and tasting opportunities of local gastronomy in the context of settings of prestigious architectures and monuments - sumptuously set up by the historical re-enactors of the Palio di Ferrara - will be provided by the Contrade, who will host tourists in their venues in dinners, banquets, aperitifs and shows inspired by the festivities held in the city during the carnivals of the 15th and 16th centuries.
Through historical parades, performances, lectures and entertainment, one will be able to relive the atmosphere of that period. The historical marches and performances will offer a glimpse of Renaissance life, which, also through theatrical performances, will create a unique spectacle.
5.00 pm, Piazza del Municipio | Duke Alfonso I d'Este, escorted by guards, musicians and standard bearers, will walk along Corso Martiri della Libertà up to the Clock Tower and attend the display of the Begosso mask. Afterwards, from the window of the Tower, the Herald will read the Edict of the beginning of Carnival.
7.30 pm - 9.30 pm, Palazzina ‘ex Mof’ - Headquarters of the Association ‘Ferrara La Città del Cinema’, Corso Isonzo 137 | Casting for the choice of the Protagonist of the Carnival of the Este 2025: Pietro Bembo.
Participation requirements:
- Age between 30 and 40
- No Contrada affiliation
5.00 - 6.30 pm, Sala Estense, Piazza del Municipio | Round Table: ‘La volgar lingua della corte estense. A dialogue between literature, history and aristocratic culture'. Speakers: Prof. Fabio Romanini, Dr. Riccardo De Rosa, Dr. Matteo Provasi.
9 pm, Sala Estense, Piazza del Municipio | La Compagnia del Vado, with the participation of the dance group ‘L'Unicorno’ presents ‘Miles Gloriosus’ by Tito Maccio Plauto. Historical introduction: Dr. Francesco Scafuri, Vice-President of Ferrariae Decus.
4.30 pm, from Piazza Castello to Piazza del Municipio | Este Carnival Parade
4.40 pm, from Piazza Trento-Trieste to Piazza del Municipio | Humanists' parade
5.00 pm, Piazza del Municipio | ‘Di danza di tornei e di battagliole’ shows
8.30 pm, Contrada Rione San Paolo Via Boccaleone, 19 | Renaissance Banquet (reservations by 25 February: 371 4865375)
4.00 pm, from Porta Paola to Piazza del Municipio | Este Carnival Parade
4.30 pm, Piazza del Municipio | A Renaissance Banquet in honour of Duke Alfonso I and Duchess Lucrezia and their illustrious guests Pietro Bembo and Ercole Strozzi. The Banquet will be organised by the ‘Associazione Strada dei Vini e dei Sapori della Provincia di Ferrara’. The public will be offered a speciality of Ferrara cuisine prepared according to the recipe of Messer Cristoforo da Messisbugo. Entertainment of courtly duels and dances will delight diners.
6 pm, Piazza del Municipio | Reading of the edict closing the Carnival of the Este.